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Infrastructure Planning and Design

- Highways & Bridges

- Parking


EDMAC offers extensive capability in parking design, ranging from the planning of parking at a single development to the development of the town center parking strategies. For individual developments, EDMAC advises on the appropriate level of parking to be provided, taking into account local parking standards as well as the expected intensity of use of the site and parking demand throughout the day. In conjunction with our structural engineers, where appropriate, we can produce single or multi-level car parking layouts with easy access for car and pedestrians.

In town centers, parking strategies may have to meet many objectives and constraints. Adequate accessibility is needed to support the desired level of economic activity in the area. Where land for parking is limited, there will often be a need to resolve conflicts between the demands of different groups of parkers, for example between workers (long-stay) and shoppers (short-stay); and between residents and visitors. Our work usually includes consultations with interested parties, observational and interview surveys, forecasts of future parking demand, and the development and assessment of a range of alternative parking strategies for the client’s consideration. We develop town center traffic models to access the effects on traffic congestion of different levels of parking provision, different balances between the supply of short-stay and long-stay parking, and different locations for new car parks.

Our services include the planning of park and ride schemes, including car park location and layout, and the associated public transport operation by bus or by rail. We are also adept at methods of parking control, including advice on the relative merits of different methods of charging and collecting payment. Car park signage is another area of expertise. Dynamic signage can help to make the most efficient use of available parking areas at all times of the day, as well as minimizing wasted mileage by motorists seeking a space.

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